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Kindergarten through 5th Grade is an important and exciting time for our children for many reasons, and we need WATCH D.O.G.S.®  (Dads of Great Students) to be a part of these experiences.  WATCH D.O.G.S. takes no special training or secret handshakes, just a desire to be involved with our children's lives, and to make a difference as a positive role model in the educational setting.  Our goal is to have you spend at least one day this year at the school to be a positive male role model and to provide an extra set of eyes and ears.  So, let's get involved and have fun while building a positive atmosphere for your child!
Who are WATCH D.O.G.S.? 

Fathers / Father-figures, Step Dads, Grandfathers, Uncles, Brothers (21 or older), Teacher’s family (sons, husbands, fiancé), Civic Organizations (Kiwanis, Rotary, etc.), Civil Servants (Police, Fire), or Corporate Partners.

What is a Typical Day Like? 
During the day, Watch D.O.G.S may read and work with students, play at recess, high five as much as possible, give stickers and other goodies for good behavior, patrol the hallways, assist with traffic flow and any other assigned activities where they actively engage with not only their own students, but other students as well. Here is a glimpse of a typical day:

  • Your day will begin when you arrive at school in your official WATCH D.O.G.S. T-shirt. 

  • Check-in at the front office, receive a schedule and proxy, and then help with student drop off/announcements. 

  • Using the schedule, you will have the opportunity to plan your day and attend recess (push kiddos on the swings, play ball) and specials (Gym, Music).

  • Lunch is one of the areas that really use our help so please put some extra effort there (let the teachers in the cafeteria know you are there to help). 

  • Help Front Office throughout the day with deliveries to classrooms.

  • Check in with Librarian to see if help is needed.


Ready to be a Watch DOG?

Step 1:  DPS clearance (background check): NEISD requires all volunteers to submit a           Volunteer Criminal History Record Check form. Please plan ahead as it can take 1 to 2 weeks to process during busy times. Questions regarding your application can be directed to:

(210) 407-0309.  You can fill out the form at the NEISD web site here:  



Step 2:  You must wear an official WATCH D.O.G.S. t-shirt (short or long sleeve). You can purchase your T-shirt using this button to take you to their official website ===> 



Step 3: Signup for a date to volunteer online using this LINK on a date you are available.


Step 4:  Come and have a fun filled day surrounded by smiling Champions!


Cibolo Green PTA website is run by volunteers. Upcoming events and documents will be updated as often as possible. We will do our best to have most dates included but errors can occur. Please be on the look out for flyers sent home with your student(s) and communications from your teacher(s).

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